Thursday, July 25, 2024 The Double Empathy Problem | Part 2 with Brian Middleton

Discover what’s possible when empathy is a two-way street.  Have you ever struggled to empathize with someone who experiences the world very different...

Thursday, July 18, 2024 The Medical vs Social Models of Disability | Part 1 with Brian Middleton

Discover what’s possible when disability is viewed as a whole.  Have people ever based their perception of you solely on your deficits? Are your stren...

Saturday, July 13, 2024 Neurodivergent Moms: SkillCorps Spotlight, with Sarah Glass and Eliza Cagle | TBT

Discover what’s possible when you get the right support.  Have you ever wondered about the overlap between ADHD and autism? Or how being neurodivergen...

Sunday, July 7, 2024 Community Outreach in Indonesia, with Maharani Putri Kusuma | TBT

Discover what’s possible when awareness spreads one step at a time.  Do you ever wonder about the level of autism awareness around the world? Are you ...

Thursday, June 27, 2024 Networking and Friendship Circles | Part 2 with Eren Niederhoffer

Discover what’s possible when community deepens understanding.  Do you find social situations difficult to navigate? Have you ever been confused when ...

Thursday, June 20, 2024 Processing My Family’s Abuse | Part 1 with Eren Niederhoffer

Discover what’s possible when you lift yourself up to help others.  Have you or anyone you know ever been bullied or abused because of being autistic?...

Saturday, June 15, 2024 Financial Planning Across the Spectrum, with Andrew Komarow | TBT

Discover what’s possible when financial freedom is in your pocket.  Have you ever struggled with managing money? Do you sometimes feel ashamed because...

Thursday, June 6, 2024 Employment and Career Development, with the Global Autism Community

Discover what’s possible when you know your worth.  Have you ever had a difficult time securing a stable job? Do you find that accommodations just don...

Thursday, May 30, 2024 Autism in Egypt and the International Mental Health Conference

Discover what’s possible when awareness improves access.  Have you ever wondered about the level of autism awareness in countries like Egypt? Are you ...

Friday, May 24, 2024 Empowering Parents in China, with Jie Bing Zhang | TBT

Discover what’s possible when a mother’s love transcends her own home.  Do you envision a community where Autistic children have a safe place to learn...

Thursday, May 16, 2024 Supported Decision Making | Part 2 with Jonathan Gardner

Discover what’s possible when you are in charge of your life.  Do you sometimes wish you had a team of supporters to guide you in the right direction?...

Friday, May 10, 2024 Surviving Cancer | Part 1 with Jonathan Gardner

Discover what’s possible when you find joy in every day.  Have you ever had to pull through something you thought would be impossible to overcome? Or ...

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